Whether you just need a little spring in your step or it's someone else that could do with a simple act of kindness, we could possibly all do with a bit of happiness and creativity during this odd time. To keep your spirits up we've compiled a list of things to do whilst we're all cooped up at home. If you've actioned any of our tips or if you've got more fun ideas to stay positive and help others, don't forget to use #lovenotts to share the love and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

1.  Spring has finally sprung and even if it's not the best of times and you're having to work from home or you're trying to entertain the kids while home-schooling them at the same time, it's important not to forget to go outside and get some fresh air*. Whether you're going for a run, taking the dog for a walk or you're just pottering around in the garden and soaking up those sunrays – every little bit helps.

*Please be responsible and observe social distancing protocols. Under current Government guidelines anyone not displaying symptoms or living with someone who is displaying symptoms is permitted to leave the house once a day to exercise. If you visit a local park to take your exercise and it's too busy, do the right thing and come back at another time.

The Larder on Goosegate Voucher

2.  In these trying and uncertain times we're all having to think on our feet and help each other out. Lots of businesses in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are struggling and could use a bit of kindness and luck. Support a local business by donating the cost of a ticket you might have already bought or buy a voucher from your favourite restaurant – you'll not only be helping them, but you've also got something to look forward to. You can find some ideas here.

Coffee from 200 Degrees

3.  Just because you're in self-isolation, doesn't mean a delicious treat isn't allowed. Treat yourself, or someone else who deserves to be spoiled, to something nice from one of our local businesses. Have a look at our delivery and takeout blog where you'll find a list of independent businesses in Nottingham that are doing delivery and takeaway services to keep you and your loved ones stocked up with your latest craving. Try out Homemade to satisfy your sweet tooth or get your favourite coffee blend delivered right at your doorstep by 200 Degrees – you will not be deprived of your daily dose of caffeine in Nottingham!

4. As the word 'isolating' already suggests, things can get a bit lonely, especially for those living on their own. Why not drop your neighbours or someone else who could use a little encouragement, a little note offering your support or just a message to say 'hello'. Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can make someone's day!

matt collamer via unsplash

5. However hard it is, these tough times once again show us how great the Nottinghamshire community is. The people of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have set up a number of community groups on Facebook to help those in need, like the Nottingham Covid-19 Mutal Aid group which now has over 17,000 members requesting and offering support. Whether you need someone to do some shopping or walk your dog, lots of people are willing to help out wherever they can. If you've got some time to spare or you're able to offer a little support, please volunteer as we're in this together!


6.  Got any gardening supplies laying around you haven't been using lately? Now is the time to rediscover your green fingers and get growing! Share the love by putting together a homemade planting kit with seeds, compost, a plant pot or anything else you can think of and drop it off on the doorstep of someone with children. Pottering around with their newfound garden supplies will keep them happy and entertained – you might even find they're little gardeners or farmers in the making.

Open book.

7. C.S. Lewis once said, 'we read to know that we are not alone', so get your literary greats off the shelf and start a book swap with a neighbour. Whether you want to share your favourite Lord Byron poem, a good thriller to get sucked into or just some comedy gold to brighten someone's day. Cosy up on the sofa with a blanket and your beverage of choice to delve into a new world of someone else's most treasured story. Please remember to wash your hands and then disinfect the surface of anything you're passing on to a neighbour, and if you've recently touched the pages inside - which can't be disinfected - it's best not to pass it on.

8.  Not that much of a bookworm? Don't worry, why not share a playlist of all your favourite songs - they do say music is good for the soul. Since a bit of exercise won't hurt either, you might as well get the disco going and start dancing like no one's watching: good for the soul, the mind and the body!

9.  Always wanted to pick up a new skill or learn a different language? Now's the time, as learning never stops! Download an app on your phone or try an online course to practice a bit of French, Spanish or maybe even Dutch – you never know when it might come in handy.

10.  Remember those times before we all had smartphones and before WhatsApp and Facetime existed? Whilst a paper letter isn't the safest way to communicate right now, you can still contact someone with a good old-fashioned email. Find a pen pal or write to a friend, just to make things a bit more fun these days. Tell each other how you're doing and share ideas on how to pass the time and keep yourself entertained. Nottingham Playhouse have even set up the 'Playhouse Pen Pals' project, connecting those who have been isolated with their very own pen pal. Want to find out how to get involved? Click here.

This blog was written by Ananda Datema, Marketing Assistant at Visit Nottinghamshire.