54 What If Questions - Thought-provoking conversation starters.

Why should you want to know some great what if questions?

Because what if you had a listing of questions to ask that could spark fascinating discussions virtually someday, anywhere, and with anyone? Now you do.

What if questions are incredibly versatile. They give your conversational companion a specific discipline to marinate on, from light and airheaded to deep and sometimes even disturbing. Now that'south a tasty banquet of food for thought.

But i solid what if question can create ongoing debates among your friends, family, co-workers, and even that girl you lot've been burdensome on. They're great considering you tin can choose unique questions for specific people, and a person'due south answers tin tell you a lot nigh the inner-workings of their brain.

Browse this long list, and recollect your favorites so you always have a few go-to what if questions on deck to utilize whenever the mood strikes.

What If Questions

  1. What if you could live for 200 years?
  2. What if you could be an animal?
  3. What if money tin purchase happiness?
  4. What if at that place is no electricity for a year in your identify?
  5. What if nosotros establish live dinosaurs living on a remote island?
  6. What if y'all were the President of the U.s.?
  7. What if you woke upward and discovered yous were the only person on earth?
  8. What if you had a money tree growing in your backyard?
  9. What if you lot could marry someone famous, either living or dead?
  10. What if you could change one thing nearly yourself? What would you alter?


five Best What If Questions To Enquire People

These are some of the biggest and all-time what if questions. These are the types of questions that people never thought they would have to answer in a billion years, and that's what makes them crawly.

Some of them are incredibly tough – sometimes even impossible. Others are more than thought-provoking and imaginative. Utilize them wisely.

Here are the five all-time what if questions:

1. What if you woke upwardly one morning time in some other country surrounded by people who spoke no English language and with only the clothes you slept in, what would you do?

This question actually inspires you lot to be creative while also forcing you to call back practically.

2. What if yous could exist famous, only poor forever would you do it?

What'due south more than truly valuable, riches or celebrity?

iii. What if you lot had the gamble, would y'all change something in the history, risking that, your parents never will encounter with each other and you never will be born?

Are you willing to potentially cede your very existence for the greater adept of humanity?

iv. What if you could say a sentence which the whole world could hear, what would you say?

Y'all have your platform, merely just for one minute.

v. What if yous could live perfectly well without sleeping, if yous had no need to sleep at all, how would you spend all your nights?

Or, should you endeavour a polyphasic sleep cycle like Kramer from Seinfeld? What could possibly get wrong?

seven What If Questions That Are Neat Advice Starters

Use these conversation starters when y'all're interested in going beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary. After all, sometimes people get bored with the typical, average openers – you can only discuss how your workweek is going and then many times until it becomes talking but for the sake of being polite.

Starting a chat with what if questions are a surefire way to brand sure you're remembered after meeting someone new. You might even inspire people to use your questions on other people.

Here are 7 what if chat starter questions:

6. What if you were a hotdog and you were starving, would you eat yourself?

Is it cannibalism if you're fabricated of sentient processed meats?

seven. What if yous woke up all of a sudden because your business firm was on fire, which iii things would you save as you ran outside?

This question is a nifty manner to learn virtually what possessions are virtually important to a person, which tin can tell yous a lot nigh them.

8. What if yous were given iii wishes, what would you wish for?

A classic question that tin can generate a massive range of answers.

9. What if you were given a chance to go to the moon, would y'all go? Why or why not?

Are the risks worth the rewards?

10. What if you had to choose betwixt a wonderful romantic relationship that would terminate later but a year, or a and then-and so relationship that would last your entire life, which one would you choose?

Is it better to have loved and lost...? A year of elation or a lifetime of stability?

eleven. What if you found a suitcase total of $ane,000,000, what would you do?

This is a fun question because you lot can discuss where the money potentially came from too, which might affect your decisions. Y'all don't desire to exist in possession of the incorrect person'due south suitcase full of money!

12. What if you could movement anywhere, where would you like to live?

A person's dream abode tin can reveal quite a bit about their personality and tastes too as their goals and ambitions.

iv Random Questions Based On Imagined Scenario

When you want to proceed someone on their toes, you lot can't vanquish random questions. Many of these questions don't accept any context, and that's okay.

Variety is the spice of life. Use these random questions to go beyond the norm and into uncharted territories.

Here are 4 what if random questions:

13. What if you had to pick ane person to exist with forever?

Knowing only what yous know about them now. Would you take a take a chance or get with a safety bet?

14. What if you could keep one memory of us together? Which one would you choose?

Asking this question itself is a bully fashion to create a lasting memory with that special someone.

xv. What if you could eat only one food for the rest of your what nutrient would y'all choose and why?

This is a lighthearted question that withal makes you think long and hard about what your determination would be.

16. What if you could have a party and invite anyone (expressionless or alive), which people would you invite?

Who would be on the ultimate guest list?

8 Funny What If Questions to Ask

You don't always demand to scissure a joke to make someone laugh. These funny questions to ask will have the other person in stitches.

The beauty of these hilarious what if questions is that sometimes the real humor comes from the answers. These questions put you in bizarre situations that tickle your brain's funny bone every time. Sharing some laughs is a tried-and-truthful way to form meaningful connections with people, so don't overlook this section.

Hither are 8 funny what if questions to enquire:

17. What if birds aren't singing and they're screaming because they are afraid of the heights?

This question really makes you rethink the tranquility of that "Sounds of Nature" album y'all fall comatose to.

18. What if the simply reason we cant walk though mirrors is considering our reflection blocks us?

And if you spend plenty time convincing him, will he eventually allow you lot in?

xix. What if nosotros tin breath on space but the authorities simply tells united states we tin't so we don't try to escape?

Well, do you lot personally know anyone who has tried to breathe in space? I doubt information technology.

twenty. What if there are actually multiple souls in your trunk only you lot're the most powerful i so you have control over your body and the voices you hear in your head are simply the weaker souls talking to you?

Hopefully, they don't band together and start a wildcat. That could get awkward.

21. What if humans lost all their skin every wintertime and walked around every bit skeletons and the copse become pissed when they have to rake all our skin off their lawns?

You lot never know what's going on in those parallel universes.

22. What if everything yous see right now is just a hallucination caused past inhaling oxygen?

And we can merely run across the true nature of reality when we breathe in infinite?

23. What if instead of police dogs, in that location were giant, man-sized police spiders?

In that location would certainly exist much less offense.

24. What if you choose non to beverage java during coffee suspension?

Will the spider police come up after you?

7 What If Questions to Ask Designed For A Fun Moment

Use these fun questions to ask when you lot just want to keep things light. Not every chat needs to exist heavy or hilarious.

These fun questions help you to escape idle chit-chat without getting too weird with it. They're nifty for passing fourth dimension at work, in the car, or at the dinner table.

Hither are 7 fun what if questions to enquire:

25. What if animals could talk, which would exist the rudest?

Bonus points if you can do your best impression.

26. What if the all usa in the USA were represented by food, what food would each state be represented by?

This is a fun thought practice to make you think about the many unique cultures in the U.s..

27. What if you had to change your proper noun, what would your new name be, and why would y'all choose that name?

Serious and funny responses are both welcomed.

28. What if y'all could be an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?

Feel costless to make up your own if y'all're not into any of the current options.

29. What if you could be in the movie of your choice, what flick would you choose and what character would you play?

Feel gratuitous to also brainstorm a movie that doesn't exist nonetheless.

30. What if you could sit on a bench in a beautiful woods, who would you lot like sitting side by side to you on the bench and why?

Who is that ane person who would make that serene moment truly perfect?

31. What if you lot could invite 4 famous people to dinner, who would you choose and why?

And where would you go?

8 What If, Ice Breaker Questions

Sometimes, breaking through someone's cold, tough outside can be challenging. These ice breaker questions can assistance with that.

They're like to conversation starters, merely they take that extra something that helps people to open up to you lot. Some of them are forward, some of them are heavy, and some are downright strange. No affair what, you're sure to get a response!

Hither are 8 what if ice breaker questions:

32. What if I liked to trip the light fantastic naked while listening to I Management?

Hypothetical questions, of form...

33. What if I had no money… would you notwithstanding honey me?

This question helps you lot to understand the value that people in your life put on material things.

34. What if you were stranded on a desert island with me, merely nosotros had no food?

Fourth dimension to start request the tough questions...

35. What if I got actually fat?

At least you'd feed more people on the island.

36. What would happen if you fell into a black hole?

Side by side time yous see one, check out the event horizon and report back.

37. What if another avant-garde species existed?

And their talent is staying extremely well hidden?

38. What if a behemothic asteroid hadn't wiped out the dinosaurs?

How would life exist dissimilar today? Would we be serving reptilian overlords?

39. What if humans were twice as intelligent?

What could we potentially reach?

five Interesting Provisional Questions To Ask Someone

Humans inspire humans. Spectacular feats have been achieved that were born of zip but mere words. These interesting questions empower you to stimulate each other's minds and think in new and exciting ways.

Some of these questions forcefulness yous to utilize your imagination by putting you lot in incommunicable situations. Others are more of thought exercises that brand you think outside the box past imagining foreign occurrences and alternative universes. Apply them to blow minds.

Here are five interesting what if questions:

xl. What if all the cats in the globe suddenly died?

Clearly there would have been some sort of master plan executed by all the dogs in the world.

41. What gravity was slowly disappearing?

Would we be able to find a solution? Brick shoes?

42. What if the sun were one-half equally big?

Or worse, if it shrunk to half its size out of nowhere?

43. What would we do if we discovered aliens?

Or if they discovered us? (cue X-Files theme)

44. What if electricity wasn't invented even so, how would your life be unlike?

Would you be able to cut it in a world lit by candles?

10 What If Based Questions That Will Let You lot Know Them Deeper

When you're ready to take the conversation to that next level, use these deep questions to ask. These are the big questions that may go on you up at night.

From science to history to philosophy to existentialism, these are thought-provoking questions that may accept days, months, or even years to fully discuss. Ask them when you really want to empathise the depths of a person's thoughts, opinions, and wildest imaginations.

Here are 10 deep what if questions to ask:

45. What if everything we will do has been predetermined?

Is selection just an illusion?

46. What if at that place were 4th, fix, or even sixth dimensional beings watching and evaluating our every single action?

Grinning and wave hello, but in example.

47. What if the universe is a giant simulation?

A simulated reality may not be far-fetched as you recall. Are you The One?

48. What if we could upload our consciousness into a motorcar?

Would y'all take the gamble? Eternal consciousness is bound to become old eventually, and what if there's nobody around to flip the switch off?

49. What if Déjà vu and hypnosis were actually the tells that led to truthful understanding of the mind?

And our brains are nevertheless evolving to process these signals properly?

50. What if Ghosts are real and generate their own power? Would you utilise a ghost powered battery in your phone? What if the telephone would run forever with no charging needed?

At to the lowest degree yous wouldn't be haunted by dead batteries anymore.

51. What if the God of Abraham was real but was killed during the nuclear testing?

Or he simply decided we're on our ain from there.

52. What if Donald Trump got elected the President of the The states?

A reality TV star as President? Surely y'all jest.

53. What if I have more to celebrate than I realize?

We should all be always looking for new things to celebrate – no thing how pocket-size.

54. What if I smiled more?

Smile causes happiness, then why not?

Downloadable and Printable List of What If Questions

Here is a downloadable and printable list of what if questions(correct click the epitome and select Relieve Image Every bit...):

How to Ask What If Questions

Finally, try not to overthink things also much with these. What if questions should be low-cal – even when the topics are heavy. Approach them in a relaxed, piece of cake, and casual way, and through the magic of practiced chat, you'll find that you're able to form meaningful connections that terminal.

Here's how to ask What if questions:

1. Use What If Questions Sparingly

Sure, what if questions are a ton of fun, and that's exactly why you don't want to overdo them. Later on all, as well much of anything can get onetime, and you don't want to become known as the guy who constantly asks "what if..." in every social situation. These questions are merely 1 of many tools in your kit.

2. Don't Push Information technology Besides Far

Simply because you're using the "what if" format doesn't hateful you can enquire anything. Recognize the other person's boundaries, and effort not to cantankerous them. What if questions can help yous form connections fast, just you don't desire to rush or force it. Keep it natural.

(Of course, this dominion tin can exist broken when you're with close friends and family members who you're super comfortable with.)

iii. Put Your Ain Spin On What If Questions

This concluding is the ultimate starting point, but you're merely limited to your imagination. Experience gratis to put your own twists on questions – particularly if you can brand them more relatable to the person you're talking to. Keep your material fresh and relevant.

More Swell Questions To Ask

What if questions are a whole lot of fun, but don't forget to change it up once in a while. Here are some more questions to add to your repertoire:

  1. Connect with a new person with these get to know you lot questions.
  2. Utilise weird questions to inquire when y'all want a departure from the mundane and into the strange.
  3. Keep would you lot rather questions on mitt to apply alongside what if questions – they complement each fantastically.

In Conclusion

Now that yous accept a solid listing of questions to enquire, go have some fun with them. Pay attending to how people react, and take mental note of the all-time ones.

Think most your own answers so you can contribute to the conversation. Recollect: it takes 2 to brand a give-and-take work. Ask questions and give answers.


Source: https://www.mantelligence.com/what-if-questions/

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